
Hope is a belief in a possibility. To lose hope is to lose a sense of possibility, to become hopeless, to become despondent. When you look around the world do you see a loss of hope or an optimism of hope—a feeling of despondency or a feeling of expectation?

The answer of course, is both. We see those who have given up and we see those who overcome in spite of all odds. What makes the difference between being filled with hope or being empty of hope--between getting up and continuing on or in giving up and quitting? Why are some people able to lose everything they own and still have courage for the future and others in the same circumstances are unable to see any possibility left in the future?

Hope is a matter of love. If you feel alone in the world, it is easy to lose hope. If you feel there is no one left to love you, then what is left in life? If you view your identity in your possessions, then when they are lost, stolen, or destroyed, you will feel destroyed along with them. Things are never very good at loving us, but we can love them. Maybe it is a matter of placing our love in the wrong place. If love is always on the outside of us, then we are always very vulnerable to losing love. If we lose love, then we lose hope.

If we carry love inside of us, then it is hard for disaster, death, or others to take our sense of hope away from us. Even when we lose loved ones our love is still there inside of our hearts. If we love ourselves, then if we lose our possessions we can go on because nothing of true importance was lost.

Love is the foundational aspect of possibility. The belief in possibility creates hope. If we are to be filled with hope, then we must be filled with love. To be filled with love we must go to the Source of love, to God our Creator and realize that because of the Spirit that lives in us we are an aspect of God—an aspect of love.

If you are feeling a lack of hope, look within for the love that is the God-space within you. Asked to be filled with love and thank God that you are. If you do this every day, making time for being filled up with the love of God, you will never be hopeless or alone.

Walk forth today believing that you are Divinely loved, Divinely inspired, and destined for a life filled with love and hope.
