The Greatest is Love

There are so many beautiful things in the world to delight the senses. We are fortunate enough to live in the Northwest where there are berries and fruits of all different varieties. I have lived here for almost 20 years and I still am not used to being able to pick fresh berries. We are just harvesting the first fruits of our raspberry crop. We planted them three years ago and they are really just starting to produce well this year. I never cease to be amazed at the bounty and goodness that comes from the earth. It is like witnessing the miracle of life every spring.

We have also planted some blueberries, cherry, apple, plum, and pear trees, and have a couple dozen filbert trees. We are looking forward to their maturation and eventual production of yummy foods for us to enjoy. Later in the summer we will enjoy the goodness of homegrown tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and squash. Oh, I forgot to mention the strawberries—out of this world!

Just as we delight in the goodness that Source has provided to satisfy our needs and desires, there are also other fruits that bring joy to Spirit when we grow, mature and produce them in our lives. Love, kindness, goodness, and compassion are all qualities that bring pleasure to our Creator.

One of the most beautiful sounds I remember of when my children were growing up was when they were laughing and playing together happily. It was music to my mother’s ears. I’m sure that God is no less delighted when we treat others with kindness and love. It seems that the fruit of brotherly love and kindness brings special delight to God.

Unfortunately, if you look around a bit you might notice that we don’t always excel in this particular quality. It seems that we have a hard time getting along on planet earth. It is not only our “enemies” we don’t like, it is often times our neighbor, family member, fellow traveler on the freeway, or clerk at the checkout stand. We seem to have a difficult time producing the fruit of love.

What is interesting is that God has made every provision to help ensure a good crop of loving people. Christ came to model love and even gave His life doing so. Heaven provides messengers and helpers in the form of angels to assist us in our earth walk. There have been numerous masters of love that have demonstrated the beauty of walking in love, and yet we still seem to prefer the path of separation. What else could keep us from loving except that we view ourselves as somehow separate from others?

There is the “love” chapter in 1 Corinthians 13 that speaks of love being greater than anything else. “Three things last forever—faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love.” The greatest gift of all, the sweetest fruit, and yet it seems the hardest to manifest in our lives.

The only way we have hope of loving one another is when we see that we are all connected. We all came from Source and we are all loved by our Creator. We live in an abundant Universe and there is more than enough love to go around. Love is a gift from the Spirit. To truly to able to love my fellow travelers I must receive love from the Spirit and be willing to let it flow through me to others. This is what being a light worker is about. Rather than promoting darkness, fear, hate, envy, and destruction, I volunteer to let the light of Source flow through me to others.

It is an abundant, fruitful, delightful way to live and just as the gifts I receive from God in the bountiful harvest of fruits from my garden delight me, so does being a vessel for the love of God delight the One who made me.