An Incomplete Picture

Do you remember doing dot-to-dot pictures as a child? I always enjoyed discovering just what the picture was going to be that I was drawing. It evolved as you connected each dot. Sometimes I would miss a dot or get them in the wrong order and then my picture turned out kind of funny. It was distorted. I would retrace the numbers and discover where I had made a wrong turn and sure enough the picture looked different when I changed the order of the dots.

The pictures were fun rudimentary sketches. They were not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but you still got an idea that you had drawn a cat, or a house, or a boat, or whatever. We go through a similar process when we try to put together a picture of God. We try and connect the dots of information we receive about Source and then try to create a picture of what All That Is looks like.

It is a rough rudimentary sketch and yet we think we have created a masterpiece! Sometimes we get the dots in the wrong order or miss a dot or two. Our picture looks quite different. God must smile, sigh, and perhaps even cry a bit when we go around with our simple little incomplete pictures announcing to the world that we know whom God is and that we are certain we know what “He” looks like. What’s even sadder is that people will sometimes kill other people over their disputes about what God looks like, thinks like, and acts like, and what God wants.

You might think of us earth people as pre-schoolers—a giant Kindergarten class. We are just beginning to learn. We know very little. And yet we think that the graduating Kindergarten class is PhD level. In fact, we haven’t even learned how to get along with one another yet—a pretty basic skill from a cosmic level. As a result, our little planet sits in quarantine from the rest of the Universe.

Christ was sent to the earth to help give us a picture of the Love of God. When we pattern our dot-to-dot pictures after the beauty of His life we come a little closer to understanding God. But even our sketches of the Son are beginner pictures—a start.

Maybe we might try approaching our spiritual life with a little more humility and a teachable spirit. Maybe we have room to grow in our understanding of God. Maybe we might open our hearts and minds to receiving a greater awareness of God and how Spirit works in our world. We might even consider that there is more learning after we graduate from Kindergarten.

The possibilities are endless really—it’s about spending an eternity getting to know Source. The Apostle Paul reminds us that now we see through a dark glass, but then (eternity) face to face. From this perspective maybe we should hold our dot-to-dot pictures with a little more modesty and be willing to revise them as we progress in our understanding of God. Remember, forever is a long time—we have a lot of learning ahead of us. Someday we might even progress to paint-by-number renditions.