Too often we think of abundance in terms of material things. But the very best things in life are never about stuff, but about the abundance of love, understanding, and spiritual companionship. I love spending time with God’s Spirit and growing to know and understand all of the wonderful things that God wants to share with me. Taking the time every morning to spend learning this is to experience abundance.
It is also in the simplest things of life that we can find contentment and happiness. The companionship of a loved pet, the aroma and warmth of a hot drink, and a comfortable, familiar place to sit are pleasures that most of us can enjoy. Even if our surroundings are meager and simple, there is joy to be found at the dawn of each new day.
It is easy to think that we must have everything perfect before we begin to live a life of abundance. We must first retire. Or perhaps we must live in our dream home. Maybe the perfect relationship will allow us the opportunity to focus on abundance and be grateful for our lives. But the reality is that even when certain outward things change in our lives, the inward us stays the same. We must first change our “in look” and then our outlook will change.
Spiritual practice, spending time in prayer, meditation, and sacred reading isn’t about earning favor with God, it’s about finding out how much God loves us and how much that love creates abundance in our lives. Having the Spirit live within you opens your eyes and heart to a whole new world. Suddenly there are more than enough resources to go around. An awareness of God’s love creates gratitude in our lives.
Looking inward I find that my view of the world begins there. When Christ lives within, it changes my whole view. My outlook changes as a result. Even a hot cup of coffee in the morning, a simple breakfast, an aging cat, and a worn chair become a piece of heaven on earth. Of course, inviting God to be there with you also makes all the difference.