What's in your house that you have yet to discover?
In the past I have had several dreams where I have dreamed of discovering an attic in my house that I didn't know that I had; which of course represents unrecognized gifts and potentials waiting to be discovered. I have not, however, actually discovered an unbeknownst attic until just recently.
The other day as I was sitting in my car getting ready to back out of my garage, I noticed a rope hanging down from the ceiling and a framed cut-out. It was obviously a pull-down ladder going up to an attic. There is also a light switch on the wall that I have never known where it went to. I sat there and looked at this and couldn't believe that I have lived here for a year-and-a-half and have never before noticed this very obvious entrance to an attic.
So, I got out of my car and pulled down the ladder and walked up to discover an attic over the entire garage that has a plywood floor. The light bulbs were burned out, but upon replacing them, the unknown switch brightened up the dark attic. Alas, there were no treasures that I could see there, but there certainly was a lot of potential! I took it as a good omen that I had discovered an attic in my house!
It also struck me that our unrealized gifts are much like this. They are there waiting to be discovered, but since we don't see them yet, we don't think they exist. I sometimes forget that we work in many dimensions and that even though we might not always see where we are making a difference, our Being here at this time is no accident. I also have to remind myself at times that there is no great work--it is all great work. Whether we are picking up garbage, attending a small child, or playing a role on a larger stage, each step we make towards restoring our earth, is a giant step in the right direction. Each person counts and is an important player in whatever way they are called to Be here.
So, what's in your house yet to be discovered?